
Manage all your marketplace marketing in one place

Advanced rule optimization

Setup campaign optimization based on advanced parameters such as click, impression, discount, stock, and cost for your sales engine to effectively capture buyers attention even during off business hours

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Monitor competitors

Your product has thousands of competitors on each marketplace you list your product. Monitoring your competition and their keywords will let you understand your position and enable you to make decisions based on real-time data.

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Collaborate with different teams

Collaborate with your team members, managers, and leaders within the platform. Ask, share, approve all workflows by tagging, commenting, and chatting to reduce friction and improve the productivity of your team.

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Analyze business

After running business for a while, usually a month, you and the team will need to understand the performance vs. business plan, and analyze what works, what doesn’t work, room to grow your performance both on revenue, profit and efficiency such as Cashflow. You can use our tool to analyze your usecase and develop hypothesis for your next growth

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The Epsilo team was agile in addressing our business needs and the in-platform marketing product helped us tremendously in driving higher ROAS

Karen Mak
Performance Media Director, Loreal